Who is Office ADHD?

Office ADHD was created by Jenna. She is also the host of the Podcast. Jenna has ADHD, and was diagnosed her Freshman Year in College. After many years and many journeys, Jenna has come to find that ADHD can really be your greatest superpower. She’s also seen that there is a lack of products and support out there directed at adults with ADHD, and she’d like to fix that.
Goal: Make Awesome Products for Adults with ADHD
ADHD is genetic (mostly, there are some rare cases where it can be induced). Children with ADHD simply grow up to be adults with ADHD, it doesn’t go away. We at Office ADHD think that’s a good thing, because we need people who see the world in different ways! The problem is that all of the ADHD products on the market are aimed at children. What about adults? We still love fidgets! We need help remembering to eat and drink water! In fact, we are now in charge of helping other people do these things now!
Office ADHD was created with the goal of supporting adults. We are dedicated to helping Adults with ADHD learn to use their superpowers and have access to products they can use in any environment, even at the office (hence the name ;-D).
We want you to join us on our journey and help shape the future of Office ADHD! Come join the club and see you’re not alone out there! We can all be awesomely amazing together!